Sustainable Management
We are committed to advancing a sustainable future by actively practicing green management,
social responsibility management, and compliance management.
Dear employees of 4D Steel,
Inspired by your hard work, earnestly performing everyone’s designated role and fulfilling the responsibilities, we are continually growing and developing as a steel manufacturing enterprise representing Korea in deed as well as in name. First, we want to thank you for your devoted hard work, sincerely.
During the past 60 years, 4D Steel has been striving to become an enterprise that makes the world beautiful, has integrity and trust as our key values and internalizing the corporate culture authentic to the basics and rules. Lately, ensuring the enterprise’s social legitimacy and transparency has become as important as achieving its goals, and enterprises that keep engaging in immoral management strategies cannot gain approval from society and can’t help falling behind. On the other hand, several governmental supervisory offices are closely monitoring enterprises’ compliance infringements, while laws regulating it and the levels of punishment are gradually strengthening. In such an enterprise environment, compliance is a value that has to be guarded for the company’s sustainable growth and employees’ protection, and also a standard that has to be adhered to throughout the whole process of management activities and task performance.
Strengthening compliance is already a global tendency. In the cases of breaking the law inside and outside Korea, the authorities of the corresponding countries are enforcing heavy punishments and disadvantages not only to the employees but also to the company. Now, all of the employee’s behaviors and minor mistakes can cause severe losses not only on a personal scale but also for the company, and even can significantly damage the value of an enterprise that has been being constructed for more than 60 years by hard work of numerous employees.
From the early days, 4D Group has been acutely aware that integrity and trust are the key elements to the enterprise’s sustainable development. Taking a step further, on July 1, 2021, we proclaimed compliance management as a key value on the company scale, and now, together with all our employees, we are striving to establish it as our culture.
For this, since 2020, we have been examining the main business processes inside the company and maintaining compliance-related regulations, establishing an internal control system and strengthening the functions of the organizations responsible for compliance. Based on this, we hope that all our employees, when performing their duties externally will abide by the according laws, such as anti-corruption laws and environmental/industrial safety laws, including Commercial Act, Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, and the possibility of the illegal actions will be prevented. At the same time internally they will contribute to the culture of mutual respect by abiding by the Labor Standards Act, Act of the Equal Employment for both sexes and other labor-related laws.
Due to the social norms emphasizing things such as diversification of enterprise-related regulations, environment protection, and creation of safe work environments, the importance of compliance will continue to grow. Moreover, lately, enterprises are going beyond compliance centered on adherence to regulations and moving to ESG management to implement the enterprise’s values for stockholders and clients. In times like this, we must maintain a position of stressing values such as integrity, compliance, transparency, and compliance. If you detect a fact or a possibility of compliance violation in everyday working activities or face a moment when determining compliance is difficult, do not hesitate and make sure to consult in advance with a compliance organization or legal department.
The future way for 4D Steel to become a more mature enterprise abiding by basics and regulations, respected by clients and society, and making the world beautiful depends on the efforts of all our employees as parts of the enterprise to hold a strong positivity and moral consciousness and put them into action. Therefore, 4D Steel strictly declares compliance-centered management and continuously invests the management resources needed to become a model law-abiding enterprise citizen. Our employees are doing their best so that our effort and willingness can be firmly put into action and fulfill the expected goals. Thank you.
July 1st, 2021
4D Steel Corporation (‘’Company’’ here below), as a compliance leader, excels in sustainable growth and contributes to enhancing humanity’s healthy culture based on compliance management. It accepts compliance management as the corporate culture and sets and declares a standard compliance policy aimed at employees’ ethical duty execution and abiding by all laws and company regulations.
1. Company and employees abide by all mandatory aspects of standard compliance applied in Korea and overseas.
2. If an employee violates a mandatory aspect of standard compliance or knows about a violation and does not take relevant measures to prevent it, the Company does not bear responsibility; instead the employee can apply disciplinary measures according to internal regulations.
3. All employees are responsible for managing standard compliance issues and report to a person in charge of standard compliance.
4. The Company prepares a system reporting non-compliance to the mandatory aspects of standard compliance can be reported, does not disclose the content of the report and the reporting person’s data, and protects them from unfavorable treatment based on the report.
5. The Company creates, continuously administrates, and improves a standard compliance management system to reach the standard-compliant management goal.
6. The person in charge of standard compliance possesses appropriate power and independence and is obligated to make direct and regular reports to governing bodies.
As a member of 4D Steel, I pledge the following to contribute to its growth into an enterprise that makes the world beautiful by abiding by all legal and company regulations.
As an employee of 4D Steel with integrity, passion, and skills, I will consider compliance management the most critical value in management decisions and do my best to contribute to the company’s continuous development.
I fully realize the principles of compliance management the company is pursuing. In the process of executing my duties, I will abide by all laws and company regulations and contribute to reaching the company’s goal.
I will strive to maximize work efficiency by actively collaborating and maintaining smooth communication between co-workers and related departments.
I will do my best to create a clean and safe workplace and take the initiative to protect the environment in the regional community.
I will make a steady profit through transparent and effective management activities, protect shareholders’ rights and interests, and, as a member of a social community, I will take social responsibility and contribute to the development of the state and society.
Through compliance management and adhering to basics and rules, all employees of 4D Steel pursue fair and transparent competition, and contribute to planning sound development of economics and society by abiding to all laws and internal regulations.
Therefore, we present the following compliance management charter and pledge to follow it.
A way to become a sustainable enterprise
Abiding by law and ethical principles has become essential to the enterprise’s competitiveness. Not only for the enterprise as a whole, but for each of its members, unjust and unethical behavior has a domino effect and can cause tremendous harm and damage inside and outside the enterprise and just in a day ruin its reputation that has been gained over decades.
Realizing that compliance is a vital matter, 4D Steel is putting effort into creating a culture valuing compliance, where the trust of clients and society can be maintained through responsible actions and ethical decisions.
After declaring compliance management at the scale of 4D Steel on July 1st, 2021, we are concentrating on reinforcing compliance to implement compliance management in 4D Steel itself. Since 2020, we have conducted compliance inspections, 2021 created an organization exclusively in charge of compliance, and are looking to actively participate in creating a fair and transparent business environment. All employees of 4D Steel are to actively participate in the voluntary inspection and prevention of unjust behaviors based on a voluntary compliance program, and we try to add value to all things we do and bring our promises into reality. We think these big and small efforts and actions will become the basis and an important stepping stone for growing into a sustainable enterprise.
Since compliance has become an essential value for enterprises both in Korea and overseas, 4D Steel is concentrating efforts on implementing fair and transparent management and will become an enterprise that truly makes the world beautiful.
Voluntary compliance manager of 4D, Inc.
Director Hyunyong Jo
4D Steel has acquired ISO37301 (Compliance management system) certification and, according to the requirements of this certification and work procedures established by company regulations, is conducting compliance risk evaluation related to fair trade in main matters related to the company such as collisions, unfair trade, internal trade, and takes action to prevent the dangers. Moreover, having established a preliminary monitoring system, we determine improvement tasks through monitoring in different areas, such as preliminary management through the cooperation of connected departments and present situation inspection, and take actions for improvement.
8 core elements of CP
Principles of fair trade regarding consumers
.Conduct information about the product precisely and from the consumer's point of view.
.Announce labeling items appropriately, according to standards required by law.
.Safely protect client information and do not use it without permission.
Principles of fair trade regarding competitors
.Sharing mutual respect with competitors and engaging in free and fair competition.
.Do not engage in collusions that may disrupt clients’ welfare.
.Do not unfairly acquire competitors’ management information or perform actions that violate profit.
.Do not attract competitors’ clients using unfair methods or pursuing dishonest purposes.
Principles of fair trade regarding associates
.Perform fair trade with associates after the prior discussion based on mutual respect.
.Do not impose on associates unfair demands or trade conditions they do not want.
.Do not unfairly inflict disadvantages on associates or require economic profit.
.Do not unfairly demand or violate associates’ management information, technical documentation, and rights on intellectual property
Main activities and history

Risk assessment and education
The voluntary compliance manager periodically/regularly inspects areas with a high probability of violating laws regulating fair trade.
We embody the ZERO-DEFECT system. With thinking based on the spirit of unity, we react anticipatively and bring customers satisfaction.

Preliminary monitoring system
We prevent tasks where a danger to fair trade may occur through the voluntary compliance manager or preliminary discussion. When an employee is in contact with an interested party from the same field (formal meeting, event, personal gathering, etc.), we prevent the danger by running a before/after report system.

Information system
We run an information system so that if an employee's action of violating laws on fair trade is confirmed, the information can be provided actively, and the danger can be prevented.
- March
- Passed the ISO 37301 (Compliance Management System) Surveillance Audit
- December
- Compliance Campaign - Compliance Quiz Contest Revision and Announcement of Compliance Guidelines (Prohibition of Collusion/Transactions between Affiliates, etc.)
- October
- 8th Integrated Compliance Committee Meeting
- September
- Implementation of the Revised Subcontracting Law Process Improvement Project and Employee Training
- July
- 7th Integrated Compliance Committee Meeting
- April
- Report on Compliance Activities at the Regular Board of Directors Meeting
- March
- Obtaining the ISO37301 (compliance management system) certification
- November
- Hosting the 6th Integrated Compliance Committee
- October
- Implementing the system of administrative restrictions management process
- August
- Hosting the 5th Integrated Compliance Committee, distributing compliance guidelines (fair trade field)
- July
- Conducting a campaign of voluntary inspection of document administration
- June
- TF organization and activities for a project for establishing compliance management
- May
- Hosting the 4th Integrated Compliance Committee
- March
- Establishing a compliance management system for bullying, sexual abuse, violence, etc. at the workplace
(Providing guidelines such as revising employment regulations)
- February
- Hosting the 3d Integrated Compliance Committee
- January
- Conducting a project for fair trade improvement and education for employees on improving the awareness of unfair common action
- December
- 4D Steel Compliance Management Declaration Ceremony
- Conducting education on revised fair trade legislation and unfair common action
- Hosting the 2nd Integrated Compliance Committee
- October
- Conducting education on subcontracting law
- September
- Hosting the 1st Integrated Compliance Committee
- August
- Releasing Compliance Newsletter (monthly)
- Implementation of/education on the process of creating before/after reports based on the revised fair trade legislation
- June
- Creating an organization exclusively responsible for compliance
- April
- Appointing a compliance manager through the decision of the board of directors
Fair trade activities

Informant protection program
If you have questions regarding fair trade or doubts considering fairness/suitability,
you can write to us, and we will reply soon to your e-mail or contacts
※ However, in the case of anonymous information, replying on matters of progress is impossible.

Without the informant’s agreement, it is prohibited to disclose or suggest their identity.

Identity protection
We provide protection to prevent any disadvantages or discrimination in the department or business partners, etc., caused by reports or statements, submitting materials, etc.

Exemption of responsibility
If a mistake related to the report of a person who made a report is found, the disciplinary actions towards that person may be alleviated or exempted.